February 18, 2014

Alligator Adventure: Smaller Alligators

Welcome Back!

This time I'm highlighting more alligators from the Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach. These are all small alligators, approximately 4ft long or smaller. I assume they are babies, since the juvenile ones are a bit bigger! I don't recall seeing a sign stating their age and it doesn't specify on the map! If we go back this year, I'll have to ask or take note.

They are quite cute little guys, compared to the bigger, scarier looking ones!

Well, a really long weekend for the kids this time..a snow day today! Brooke got in on Saturday at 5:45pm, instead of her scheduled 1:30pm..that train is always delayed! We almost drove to Toronto to get her! :-) 

Sunday, we had my sister and her husband over for dinner and an ice cream cake for Brookie too, since we couldn't take one to Waterloo when we were there for her birthday!

Family Day we took a drive over to Amherst Island to see if we could find any owls, but didn't see anything to shoot!! SIGH.

I'll have another post later this week!

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