March 25, 2014

Fall Colours!

Welcome Back!

This time I'm highlighting the last of my favourite photos from our visit to the Warsaw Caves, near Peterborough. When we were there, we also drove around looking at the trees and their beautiful colouring. On our property, we only have evergreen-type trees, which remain green all year long, so I really enjoy seeing the trees change colours! We have even gone to Bancroft/Algonquin in the past to check out the fall colours!

I've included a few photos from the Liftlocks as we always end up going there at least once in awhile to check it out...Kevin had to hit up the museum, but we stayed outside--- 1. because it was so beautiful out and 2. because we had Zeek with us! 

Well, the plague that I caught last week is still with me. I can't say I've done much, other than watch TV and sleep! 

I did visit my Uncle because he had a health scare and we were quite worried about him, but he's doing much better now! Thank goodness! 

Brooke is coming home on Thursday for a long weekend! YAY! Not sure what we will do, but it will be nice to see her for a bit--before her exams start!

More later this week...

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